Core values and technology
I wouldn't leave a pie half-baked, and the same goes for my code. From the first spark of an idea to the final, delicious deployment, I’m all in—because who wants a slice of something unfinished?
Why reinvent the wheel when you can just make it roll smoother? I’m all about finding the elegant, simple solution, because life’s too short for unnecessary complexity.
It wasn’t all swashbuckling and treasure hunting. My 8 years at sea have given me a unique edge in tackling ship management challenges—rum optional, wisdom guaranteed.
ERPs can roar like a lion, but with my 3 years of experience with Marine ERPs I tame them, charm vendors, and whip up specs for perfect customizations. It's a well-choreographed circus act really.
Using JavaScript the way God intended: with type safety, code predictability and developer productivity in mind. Thank you Anders Hejlsberg!
Next.js gives me everything I need to build sleek, modern web apps while drastically reducing the chances of shooting myself in the foot. Well, most of the time.
Is it perfect? Not really. Is it reliable? Definitely. It can run on a potato, and that’s good enough for me!
ERPs are like jigsaw puzzles. As a Puzzle Master, I make sure every piece, from business needs to technology, fits together. No pieces left on the floor, just a seamless solution.
Full-stack application for data extraction, processing and visualization of fleet CII, EU ETS and FuelEU compliance and penalties. Interfaced with marine ERP.
A suite of tools for data extraction, processing and analysis of ERP data, enabling data-driven decision-making.